1) You can create your own schedule
I hear/see this all the time. People in relationships constantly have to check with their significant other before committing to plans. Its the equivalent of having strict parents in high school
2) You can look AND touch
I think that one is self explanatory
3) Facebook & Twitter are Fun & not Threatening
4) You can actually enjoy your "girls only" or "just the guys" vacation
This is sad because this is actually something human beings need. Everyone needs time away with friends without your significant other. Its the definition of healthy. I do notice the girl with a boyfriend (me included at one point) is always the one on the phone arguing while the rest of the single ladies are out enjoying themselves
5) You don't have to "check in"
Your text messages no longer look like a GPS system
6) You will be prosperous at work
You no longer have to feel guilty for leaving on a business trip or staying in the office late. You shouldn't feel remorse for all the hard work you've been putting in. Its your damn job
7) You can spend the holidays the way you want to
You will finally understand the phrase "Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"
8) You don't have to have pointless arguements for the sake of arguing
Couples are constantly arguing & testing one another. It has a lot to do with trust & insecurities. Half the time they don't even remember how the argument even started
9) You can have your own opinion Me Vs. We
Lets just look at the exact definition of "opinion"...shall we: a personal view, attitude, or appraisal (via dictionary.com)
10) Last but not least...You can finally be yourself again