My girls and I were having a deep convo the other day about men who can't kiss. A bad kisser is almost the equivalent of being wack in the sack. I came up with 5 bad kisser types ...Please refrain from doing the following...
1) The Lizard
Everyone knows what I am talking about. The Lizard usually darts his tongue (usually very quickly) in and out of your mouth like an iguana. You almost want to stop him and say "Are you for real?"
2) The German Shepherd
If I have to physically wipe my mouth after making out with you...that is a clear indication that you need to work on your craft. The German Shepherd may also bite your lip...a little too hard.
3) The Dragon
Yeah...we all know this dude...even with gum there is no hope. I knew a guy who's breath literally smelled like old people. Everyone needs to understand that bad breath stems from your tongue. Everyone should invest in a tongue scraper...its 2010.
4) The Dead Weight
Ever have someone put their tongue in your mouth...and it just sits there...UGH
5) The Wet Willie
Some folks forget that kissing is for lip-to-lip contact...and not your ears, eyes, nose (you'd be surprised) etc.
In conclusion: Less is more when it comes to kissing IMO...Soft & Passionate beats Aggression