My girl Sandra Bullock won Best Actress for The Blind Side. I am so happy for her. For the haters: Go back and watch A Time to Kill and get back to me.

Christoph Waltz took home an Oscar...Best Supporting Actor for Inglourious Basterds IMO he had the best performance in 2009.

Kathryn Bigelow (James Cameron's ex-wife) won Best Director for The Hurt Locker. I know that's got to hurt. I'm sorry, Avatar was as overrated as the Titanic.

Monique won Best Supporting Actress for Precious. I am sorry, but Precious was an over-the-top movie with an over-the-top plot. Anyone could play a dramatic role THAT dramatic (If you know what I mean).

Just Peep Samuel L. Jackson's response LMAO
My pick for Best Dressed: Sandra Bullock in Marchesa...This night belonged to her!