The problem with Manhattan is that there is always a better man out there, which Manhattan women are well-aware of. Dating is tactical. It's a game. Some know how to play it better than others. The more you've dated, the better you get at it. You'd be surprised at how some of the smallest things, such as things men do, don't do, or say or don't say, can completely turn a woman, especially a Manhattan woman, "on" or "off". You always hear people saying, "It's the small things" - BUT my problem with this cliche statement is that it's not very specific. Where do you draw the "small things" line? Manhattan women have higher dating standards and they expect men to show much more effort, because they know there is probably another man who will. Men should also be aware of the fact that they are competing against past boyfriends or dates, which means that once a woman has been spoiled by another man in the past, she seeks to find a man who spoils her in the same way or more. It's hard for a man to know what type of dating experience a woman has had in the past, especially if they don't know her too well, so better show some effort in the beginning and keep it consistent. Here are some tips:
1. Pushy men get pushed away. Just like a man likes to chase a woman, a woman enjoys the chase as well. If a woman says she is busy three times and doesn't tell you when she's available to see you, then she is probably not interested. There are plenty of women out there so move on. The more you pester her about going out with you, the less she will want to see you. Manhattan women like men to be smooth, sophisticated, classy, not desperate, obsessive or stalker-like. Also, the text, "So when are you going to come over and hang out?", on a first date, is elementary school to a Manhattan woman. Show some effort and at least take the girl out to dinner before you even think of inviting her over to your place.
2. If you can't seem to get her to go on a date with you, convenience can be a huge key factor in getting someone to go out with you. The best dates were the ones where I felt like "everything was taken care of." Sometimes us Manhattan women can be really exhausted after a long day of work, but if a man says "I'll have a cab come pick you up" or "A limo is on it's way to get you" or "Let's meet at a restaurant close by you," sometimes makes a woman more motivated to want to get up and get ready to see you. Also, a man should ALWAYS offer to pay for the cab on a first date, especially if he wants to be considered a gentleman.
3. Learn how to eat. Eating well and having table manners is extremely important. Manhattan restaurants are on a different level. You don't want to embarrass your date. Also, at some point, women will think about whether they can introduce you to their parents and eating like a sloppy pig is sure to get you the boot. I know, it's harsh, but it is true. Mothers notice everything and they will be sure to comment on all of your negative characteristics.
4. Know your wines. Manhattan women like men who know wine. I can't tell you how sexy it is for a man to have good taste in wine and to be able to order a nice bottle of red or white wine. At least make an effort to get to know some of the basics. Fish does not go well with red wine! There are many books which can teach you this and more about wine.
5. Be a gentleman. Opening the door, giving a hand, taking a woman's jacket for her and pulling out the chair for her, never gets old. This will show a woman that you have class, you appreciate her and you respect her. All women are princesses on the inside, especially Manhattan women, and they like to be treated that way, even though they may or may not admit it. Also, a gentleman should ALWAYS pay for the meal while dating a Manhattan woman. Manhattan women have gone on way too many dates with men where they never have to pay for a meal. Once in a relationship, things may change, but during dating time, there is no such thing as "Wanna split it?" or "You wanna join forces?". Also, if after the date a woman goes back home on her own, definitely send her a text and ask her if she made it home safe - It always leaves a good impression.
6. Little surprises here and there will make them come back for more. Manhattan women love to be spoiled, even if they say, "Aw, you didn't have to do that" or "You shouldn't have" or "I like you without these gifts." It's all lies. Many Manhattan women are already spoiled and love gifts at all times and at random times. Chocolate boxes and flowers at work are much appreciated and girls love to show them off and share them with their co-workers. Manhattan women especially love expensive, classy gifts. Also, if your woman is hungry and doesn't have time to grab lunch, ordering her a nice meal and having it delivered to her office can go a LONG way. That will definitely impress her.
7. Teach her something. Manhattan women are more well-read, intelligent, cultured and motivated. A knowledgeable, intelligent, well-read man is very attractive to a Manhattan woman. I know it's cold, but dinners get extremely boring if the woman is sitting there, doing most of the talking and she is not receiving any intellectual feedback. Women enjoy learning about new things. Try to teach her something new.
8. The man should plan the evening of a first date. There are too many Manhattan men out there who are spontaneous, adventurous, outgoing and who can completely win-over your date, so make sure you try to top them. Once again, I know it's cold, but it's true. Many Manhattan women are used to men planning the entire evening. Most Manhatten women enjoy this and there are very few who don't. When I receive a text that reads, "So what should we do tonight?", I am completely turned "off". The reason being is that in Manhattan there are way too many men who will send me a message that reads, "So I have the perfect plan: Dinner at _______, Drinks at _______, Party at _______, you down?" Now, I don't know about you, but I personally ignore the first text and go with the man who sent me the second text - most Manhattan women would do the same. Cheers.
9. Manhattan women have a zero-tolerance policy for cheap men. There are too many men out there who would splurge on their date and Manhattan women would much rather be on a date with the man who is not scared to spend the extra dollar on them. "Let's get this wine bottle *points to the cheapest one on the menu*" is a NO-NO-NO! Women notice this type of stuff. You don't have to order the most expensive bottle on the menu, but NEVER go with the cheapest one.
10. You must know how to please a woman. There are far too many men in Manhattan who can replace you, especially if you are not good in bed. It's sad and unfortunate, but that's how it is when you live in a big city. If you cannot please your woman, it is very easy for her to "get it" somewhere else. The first time can make it or break it, so let it be the best she's ever had, otherwise it's the BOOT!
By: Camelia Todorova, aka CKTwitty