I know what people are going to say...It's NEVER a good idea to burn a bridge. I totally agree *but* to what extent? Sometimes it's best to burn a bridge if the path isn't worth crossing again. It's a trial and error process for me. If the other side of the bridge causes stress and negativity, I think it's best to *splashes kerosene & lights match*
1) Threatens CareerBeing a Public Relations Rep isn't easy and reputation is everything. Unfortunately, everyone knows that LOL. Once I hear those words "I will destroy you" that's my cue to exit and stay as far away from that person as possible. I keep a tight circle and my work speaks for itself so it doesn't worry me. It's the thought that someone would actually go to that extent that ruffles my feathers a bit. It takes a certain person (of ignorance) to say this so I would say its safe to light that match! LOL
2) Pathological LiarOh we all know these ding dongs. It seems like they lie so much that they seem to believe their own lies (AND no I am not just talking about Men). I've had to burn bridges with female friends who can't seem to tell the truth about anything. A relationship of any kind is built on trust so when someone constantly lies (even about small things) I feel deceived. It's extremely hurtful and difficult to deal with this type of person. I think some people are actually addicted to lying. You find them lying about what they had for breakfast (no lol). Definitely give a person a few chances but if it seems like a pattern of fictional folk talks...ummm yeah light that match!
3) Finders KeepersHahaha you'd be surprised who is trying to get you for your shit (and for all sorts of reasons). I think this one is self explanatory. The usual excuse is "I had every intention of giving it back." ....light that match.
4) Troubled SurroundingsWe all have those certain people in our lives that we adore to death but they are always getting into trouble. This one is really hard because it's not what the person is doing directly to me but more about what could happen if I hang out with them. Don't cut this person off harshly. Let them know the logistics. "It's simply not safe to be around your crazy ass"...light that match
5) Merry-Go-Round of DisrespectThere are certain people who can't seem to grasp the concept of respect. It usually irks me because I want to be treated the same way I treat that particular person. Obviously that isn't the case in every situation. Constantly Putting You Down, Over the Top Rudeness (Hostile attitude about everything), Pompous (I'm better than you) etc.
You find yourself saying "Why am I nice to this person when he/she is such an asshole to me?"
^^^^^^^^If you've asked yourself the above question more than 3 times...its safe to light that match.
In Conclusion: Burning a Bridge sometimes = Cutting Your Losses. Life is too short. Don't waste it on people who are simply not worth your time. You're better than that ;)