Last night's episode was the best episode ever! The beginning of the episode starts after Talbot (Russell's Boyfriend) gets murdered by Eric. We all knew Russell wasn't going to let that slide.
Meanwhile, Jason Stackhouse's floozy is still getting him into trouble. I think she is a werewolf. This is just my prediction. She seems to have an unbreakable bond with her ex-boyfriend and I think that's the reason.
Bill went into "Sookie Land" so to speak. He emerged into the fairy like world that we saw Sookie in last episode and Bill found out what Sookie is. Of course, they did not spill the beans this episode but hopefully we will find out in the next one.
Poor poor Tara. This girl can't seem to get away from turmoil. The vampire she attempted to kill in Russell's home did not die (what a surprise lol). He appeared at her job and she wasn't scared. I think she figures at this point what does she have to lose. Jason Stackhouse appeared on the scene (he seems to be a cowboy now with his new gun) and shoots the vamp...but I'm sure he'll reappear.
The leader of the VRA (Vampire Rights Association) paid a visit to Eric and gave him permission to kill Russell. Basically, that means a war is about to start. YES! The end of the episode was the kicker. The VRA leader was watching the news on her plane ride back home and suddenly...Russell appeared on the screen and ripped out the newscasters spine. He then announced to the world that the Vampires are taking over and will dispose of the human race. *Cat jumps out bag* It's no longer a dilemma for just The South. The world knows!
*Side Note: I admire the writers of True Blood for incorporating homosexuality into the plot for both men & women. I think more and more shows will do the same. It's 2010. It should not be "taboo" anymore and I think shows like True Blood help people see that. *tips hat*