Hey my loves. I know I've been inconsistent with the blogging but I'm doing the best I can to keep up. My Thanksgiving was fabulous. My sister cooked enough food to feed a small country. I'm back in the Big Apple now and I've managed to catch the wonderful common cold. *sneeze x 3*
I notice a lot of outlandish male fashion "no nos" during the commute to my office in the morning. A few tips...
1) If you are over the age of the 30, you should not be wearing a backpack. I know some men are addicted to backpacks but it kinda makes you look like an over-sized 8th grader. Don't be afraid to transition to the satchel aka the man purse or of course a brief case.
2) Socks that don't match. I always look at a man's socks. DO NOT wear white socks with dress shoes. Be sure the socks match or simply choose neutral colors that match everything. Oh and there's nothing sexier than a man with argyle socks.
3) Sneakers with suits. I know men love kicks but you need to know when to put on dress shoes. COME ON!
4) The overall Paul Bunyan look. Door is that way ---->
5) Any large cartoon logo T's need to go! You are not Clark Kent!
6) Camouflage or Army Gear. GTFOH
8) Plumber's crack. I've seen men wear tight jeans and they still manage to hang off their behinds.
9) Tags. Pop them off. It makes you look desperate. Are you returning that?!
10) Dirty baseball caps. Just throw them out or keep it in the closet. Ever smell a guy's old hat?! Enough said.