I know people say that its not always the parent's fault...but if I had a sick crazed father constantly trying to make money off my mishaps...I might turn to drugs too.
Lindsay Lohan's Father had a phone conversation with her mother about Lindsay's well-being...then decided to release it to the media. Bad move on his part considering they all have legal papers against him. People are so sick.
Lindsay wrote the following on her twitter page:
"My father is a lunatic and doesn't even deserve such a title since he's never been around in my life other than when he'd threaten me and my family," Lohan tweeted. "He should be where he has always put himself after verbally and physically abusing people all my life, behind bars."
"It's so sad to get a phone call from my baby sister asking, 'Why is daddy doing this?'
Its sad. Children turn to parents for normalcy...A sense of right & wrong...how can you expect this girl to have a good set of morals from this dude?
Anyway...I'm not going to post the phone convo but if you want to listen here it is