I had been wanting to try the KFC Double Down since I’d heard it was going from regional test markets to a nationwide release. On the surface, it just sounds good. Two pieces of KFC chicken, a couple slices of bacon, a couple slices of cheese and some sauce. There’s been a national controversy about the healthiness (really the lack thereof) of the sandwich and what it means for the nation’s ever ballooning waistlines. Some nutritional research on the Double Down revealed that the dish is actually lower in calories than many less maligned items on rival fast food menus. The real problem with the sandwich is the sodium content, 1380mg, 57% of your recommended daily intake and the cholesterol 145mg (48% of your recommended daily intake). Many people warned me not to try it but sorry, I had to. At least once.
Upon opening the box the sandwich was contained in, I admit, my first thought was what the hell am I doing about to eat this? I’ll let you know that I had heard the sandwich isn’t as large as it appears on TV and that is true, it is not. Still, just looking at it and knowing I was in the process of grubbin, I felt kinda gluttonous. So I went ahead anyway after the momentary crisis of conscience and took my first bite. It was good. Not Halle Berry Monster’s Ball “MAKE ME FEEL GOOOOD! MAKE ME FEEL GOOOOOODDDD!!!” on my tastebuds delicious but delicious nonetheless. Pretty much just tasted like KFC chicken with some sauce and cheese to go along with it. Now I had heard some less than flattering reviews on the sauce but I did like it, it was great. As I kept eating I gotta say, the salt was noticeable. If you’ve ever eaten KFC before, you know the chicken is kinda salty. Since you’re eating two pieces at once, the saltiness is only amplified. I definitely needed my drink to go with it. The sandwich stayed together well, didn’t fall apart like you might have thought it would with chicken filets instead of a bun.
All in all, it was a good sandwich. I wouldn’t order it regularly mostly because it’s not THAT good and because of the sodium. Still it’s a pretty good sandwich. You should try it once just to say you have.
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