People are starting to think I'm some sort of an expert on men. I'm not even close but I do have a lot of opinions when it comes to dating and relationships. I think men do certain things that turn women off and they don't even realize it. I decided to create a Top 10 List of Turn Offs to help out a little bit...before it's too late. (dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn)
1) Dumber than Rocks
I had this conversation the other day on Twitter and a lot of women agreed with me. I personally can't bother with a man that is not intelligent. Obviously, people are savvier in certain areas but on the most part I like the man to be smarter than I am. I love being able to say "OH HE'LL KNOW THE ANSWER or HE'LL KNOW WHAT TO DO!"
2) Talking About Other Women
This one ALWAYS boggles my mind. A girl does not want to hear about your ex-girlfriend or other women who are trying to get with you. I could talk to a guy about all the men who try to holla at me but...we'd be there all day. It's just something we don't want to hear. I'm sorry but if I'm going to spend time with a man, I need to feel like I'm the only woman alive at that moment. Don't listen to Lil Wayne. Women do NOT want to hear that you "Want to fuck every girl in the world" You should save some of these coversations for your guy friends.
3) Sloppy Drunks (Peter Griffin Syndrome)
I am a girl who enjoys having a few drinks and having a good time BUT I know how to handle myself. There's nothing worse than a man who can't handle his alcohol. No one wants to carry out a dude or remind him what happened the night before like he's a Freshman girl just entering Undergrad. Learn your limit and stick to it
4) Pretty Boy/Bout to Become a Straight Up Female
I think I talk about this one enough. Unfortunately, we live in a world where men can tan, wax their eyebrows and wear ass-fitting jeans. There is a huge difference between "not sagging" and wearing clothes that look like they were painted on. Women want men to be men. Don't be afraid to dress down or not shave. I'm personally down with scruffiness. You got my approval *Politician thumbs up*
5) Lack of Respect for the Ladies
Men should know by now that a woman's friends can make or break a relationship. With that said, try to act half way interested in her friends. The moment the crew senses hostility from you, they will vote your ass off the island like it's Survivor.
6) Showing Off Money...You Ain't Diddy
Ok obviously SOME girls (Gold Diggers) like men who show off money. Those are probably the women you should stay away from though. Personally, I grew up in Connecticut and have been around a lot of wealthy people. "I ain't talkin rich. I am talkin WEALTH" (c) Chris Rock. I know when someone actually has a lot of money they don't want to let the world know how much money they have...AND more importantly they don't need to.
7) LIES!
I have an unbelievable sense when it comes to lying. Ladies if you look closely you'll notice when someone lies; they won't look you in the eyes, they will bite their bottom lip, they will be overly defensive and their mouth gapes open. If a man lies to me once, automatically I think he's full of shit about everything. I know I probably shouldn't think that way but unfortunately I am a "glass is half empty" kind of girl. To be safe just simply tell the truth. I can see your nose growing!
8) Me Me Me Me Me
I highly enjoy when a man is confident and likes talking about himself but only when the favor is returned. There is nothing worse than a guy who won't ask you questions about yourself. Even as simple as "How did your day at work go?" Little things like that make a big difference. If you act uninterested in her life, you will be on the fast track to Resentment Land.
9) A Man Who Doesn't Know Music Aka Mr. "I Never Heard of Him"
I had a guy tell me once that he couldn't name ONE Stevie Wonder song. That was the very last conversation I had with him. I don't expect men to name an artist's entire discography but I expect them to be well rounded when it comes to music. NOT just one genre.
10) Against Pussy (The Other Kind)
I can't be around a guy who hates cats. I have 2 beautiful boy cats that will be around for the next 15-20 years. They are not going anywhere. Get used to it.