It's not rocket science. When I was in college at Suffolk University in Boston, I was poor as shit. I literally had about $5-$10 a day to spend on food (breakfast, lunch and dinner). I wanted to find something that will fill me up, as well as cost efficient. I started eating Cliff Bars every single day for lunch and I lost SO much weight. I went from a size 6 to a size 3 in less than a month.
I know some people are skeptical but Cliff Bars are organic and have a lot more nutrients than the Steak & Cheese subs I would usually get for lunch lol.
Give it a shot. I didn't lose any T&A by doing this either...still had the body, minus the extra fat.
You can find Cliff Bars at any Duane Reade or CVS. Luna Bars can also be used.
*Side Note: Eat a reasonable Breakfast and Dinner. Don't eat Pizza every day and expect the Cliff Bar Diet to work for you.
*Side Note #2: I look just like my Dad in the photo above lol
Photo by Erin Moyer