Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Stance on Bloomberg's Potential Soda Ban

In my eyes, Mayor Bloomberg can do no wrong. I know I am bias when it comes to him but I can't help but agree with a lot of his decisions and views on New York City. People are extremely upset and have been very vocal about their stance on Bloomberg's idea of creating a soda band. This works my nerves to no end.
People ask that ridiculous question; "Why is he concerned about soda when there are several other issues that need to be solved in New York City?"

According to the CDC, the obesity rate in New York was 23.9% in 2010.

The Soda Ban will not solve the obesity epidemic but it is a great start. Mayor Bloomberg is thinking about the overall health of New York City residents so I just can't see how people can argue with him on this ban. As much as it kills me to see how many calories are in my favorite burger, I am happy to be in-the-know because I will make a more conscience decision before I order it. However, I have the willpower to make that decision and not everyone does. That's why the soda ban is necessary. It's not easy to turn down the additional few ounces for an extra 25 cents (I've done it myself).

I understand there are other important issues going on in NYC but we can't downplay the obesity problem. That's all I am saying.
